
        What is Mamra Almond
  • Iranian Mamra almond/badam is a highly nutritious and premium almond/badam variety renowned for its distinctive  shape, flavor  and health  benefits .
  • Mamra alomnds are very rare and account for only 5 % of the whole global production, of which more than 80 % is grown and harvested in Iran .
  • Unlike California Almonds Iranian Marma Almonds are not chemically processed or heated to boost their sweetness or flavor and are grown and processed and collected entirely  organically .
  • Iranian Mamra almonds (mamra badams )are grown without the use of pesticides or any chemical compositions . They are hand-picked and sun-dried, to retain their natural nutrients and flavor.

Mamra almonds (mamra badams ) are usually graded based on size in generally 7 grades  :

mamra almond
mamra almond

“Mamai almonds” are also known as “Mamra almonds” or “Mamra Badam” in English. This type of almond is prepared from Prunus dulcis as a type of almond and has many properties.

“Mamai almonds” are also known as “Mamra almonds” or “Mamra Badam” in English. This type of almond is prepared from Prunus dulcis as a type of almond and has many properties.

“Mamai almonds” are nutritious and healthy, which is suitable as a source of energy for daily activities.